Arnold Sanow

Wouldn't you agree that life is all about quality connections? Our success, happiness and well-being are largely the by products of our ability to get along well with others and cultivate positive relationships. Below is a checklist of ingredients that we discuss in our communication...

Certain words and phrases block connections cold and at the same time can make people steaming mad.  Here are some tips on language, words and phrases to avoid: You - If you tell someone "You did this" or "You did that" people get defensive. This is especially...

The foundation for building rapport is based on the exchange of a few basic communication signals. Here are 4 key ways to build instant rapport. This is based on the book, Get Along With Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere by Arnold Sanow and Sandra Strauss. 1. Smile. A...

By Arnold Sanow, CSP, MBA Rude behavior, and failing to demonstrate concern and regard for others, is a problem for many organizations. It hurts productivity, job commitment, job retention, and the health and well-being of employees. Researchers studying workplace aggression and rudeness are finding its frequency is increasing and taking...

by Arnold Sanow MBA,CSP Associate of The Lett Group   Rapport can be defined as “bringing agreement, harmony and accord to a relationship”. Isn’t that what we want in our connections – to discover points of mutual interest or common ground, reach agreements, live and work together in harmony and...